In favour of simplifying things and minimizing credit card transactions, the resort's payment policy is to charge the balance amount of your full stay when you check-in. This means that there will be no preauthorization for your credit card. If there are any changes required to your account, the Front Desk will make the adjustments on the day that you check out. This policy took effect on August 8, 2023.
Check-in time is 4:00 PM
Check-out time is 11:00 AM
Parking is complimentary, 1 vehicle per reservation - underground parking available or on the road (subject to Town of Summerland by-law)
Minimum age requirement of 25 years to book a reservation
A credit card is required to book your reservation.
Weekly or monthly stays require payment in full upon check-in.
From June 1 to September 1, cancellation notice of 7 days is required, else one night's room and tax is retained
From September 2 to May 31, cancellation notice of 72 hours is required, else one night’s room and tax is retained
When booked through a third party booking website (Expedia,, etc.), a minimum notice of 7 days cancellation is required
Summerland Resort Hotel is a smoke-free property, including grounds and public areas
A minimum three nights stay is required from mid-June to mid-September